The Reincarnation of Benjamin Breeg
Guitar Pro Tab | v5.00
| Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 7:36 p.m.
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Guitar Pro Tab Summary
A Matter of Life and Death
Song Author
Steve Harris, Dave Murray
File Size
157 KB
Let me tell you 'bout_ my life,___ let me tell you 'bout_ my dreams.___
Let me tell you 'bout_ the things that hap - pen, al- ways real___ to me.___
Let me tell you of___ my hope,___ of my need to reach_ the__ sky.___
Let me take you on__ an awk- ward jour - ney, let me tell___ you why.___
Let me tell___ you why.______
Why should these cur- ses be laid up- on me? I won't be for- giv- en 'til I can break__ free. What did I do to des- serve all this guilt? Paid for my sins with the sale__ of my soul.____
De- mons are trapped all in- side of my head, my hopes of God reach for hea- ven from hell.______
My sins are ma - ny, my guilt is too hea - vy. The pres- sure of know - ing, of hid- ing what I___ know.___ I'm a- ble to see___ things, things I don't want to see._____
The lives of a thou - sand souls weigh hea- vy down on me. I know they're cry- ing for help reach- ing out, the bur- den of them will take me down as well.___ The sin of a thou- sand souls not died in vain, re- in- car nates to let me live a- gain.______
Some- one to save___ me, some- thing to save me from my- self.____ To bring sal- va- tion, to ex- or- cise this hell.____
Some- one to save___ me, some- thing to save me from my- self.____ To bring sal- va- tion, to ex- or- cise this hell.____
Some- one to save___ me, some- thing to save me from my hell.____ A des- ti- na - tion, a- way from this night- mare._____
Some- one to save___ me, some- thing to save me from my- self.____ To bring sal- va- tion, to ex- or- cise this hell.____